Outdoor Wednesday .......growing tomatoes

My huge tomato plant. It was only about a foot and a half when I bought it. Now it is about 5 feet. and leaning over the potting bench!
The perfect side of the tomato!
The not so perfect side of the tomato. It was growing into the stalk...oops!
One perfect tomato! I don't want to eat it.....it looks so perfect but, I know it will taste so good with a little salt! YUM!

I will be joining Outdoor Wednesday at http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com/. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I love tomatoes. My son likes to eat them with a little bit of salt and pepper or sometimes Cajun seasoning. I know what you mean about not wanting to eat it because that is how I was with the pineapple I grew. But would rather eat it than let it go to waste!

  2. You're on your way! We are onto our second harvest of tomatoes--delicious.

  3. Our tomatoes have been doing wonderfully this year...and you are right...Yum!!
